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I love that I get great service AND great rewards from my energy company! A duo not easily beat. I just love XOOM Energy!

- Justine Snead

XOOM Energy not only provides competitive rates on their utilities, but they offer the greatest rewards program to truly appreciate their customers with XOOM Xtras.

- Eric Maher

5 years strong and best decision ever with XOOM Energy. Bills are never outrageous and never worry in case of emergency. XOOM takes care of me.

- Gloria Palmberg

I have referred many to XOOM Energy and by referring and helping others with better value service, I get rewarded monthly. Never will I ever switch to another electric company. Thank XOOM Energy!

- Gloria Palmberg

I’ve been a customer for several years and the service Is very reliable. If I had any questions they handle them right away. I'm very satisfied.

- Verna Anderson

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